RACEceivers required again in 2009
The USMTS began using the RACEceivers in June of last year, and will continue to do this at all USMTS races in 2009.
We will have brand new units for sale at $140 each or will rent the unit for $30 per event.
For units rented, the driver will keep the headset that comes with the RACEceiver but must turn the RACEceiver back in the same condition as it was received.
It is highly recommended that the drivers go and get better head sets made to give you the best sound quality and avoid any trouble hearing instructions from the race director.
In case you haven't raced with the USMTS and used a RACEceiver yet, these units allow our officials to talk to the drivers for safety and efficiency purposes without having the drivers talk back.
For more information check out www.raceceiver.com.