
PBM Performance Products

PBM Performance Products

PBM Performance Products is well known among professional engine builders and machine shops as a supplier of premium quality hardcore performance engine components and related products. We carry a wide array of brands from leading manufacturers in addition to our own extensive line of PBM brand components. We also specialize in pre-packaged engine kits with performance matched and dyno-tested combinations, as well as custom engine kits.
Location:  Louisville, KY
Phone:  800-588-9608
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American Racer continues to roll with USMTS

The United States Modified Touring Series has raced exclusively on American Racer tires since 2006, and with the signing of a new agreement with Race Tires America, Inc., the American R…


AFTERSHOCK: 11th Annual USMTS Amarillo Ambush at Route 66 Motor Speedway 10/5/24