

PBM Performance Products has the parts you need

If you're ready to build the engine of your dreams, find out why PBM Performance Products should be your company to contact. PBM has been supplying professional engine builder…

Intercomp will get your race car balanced

Intercomp's Aaron Van Heel gives us the details about weighing your race car to get it perfectly balanced. By working with more than 25 racing organizations, the company is we…

Remembering Grant Junghans

In the 21-year history of the USMTS, we have met no man who epitomizes the fighting spirit and lust for life that all men should hope to obtain. They say you can't make everyb…

USMTS Doubleheader at 81 Speedway

The 4th Annual Grant Junghans Memorial will happen on Saturday, November 16, at the 81 Speedway in Park City, Kansas, as part of a big doubleheader weekend that kicks off on F…

Mason City Motor Speedway Practice 9/8/19

Practice day from the newly configured 1/3-mile Mason City Motor Speedway in Mason City, Iowa. The track, which was shortened from a huge 1/2-mile design, provided a smooth an…

Jerovetz Motorsports Shock Service

Jerovetz Motorsports Shock Service has a wide selection of shocks and parts for your all of your race car needs. Located in Suamico, Wis., Jerovetz Motorsports is the "Officia…


Waco too wet for USMTS

The USMTS Texas Cotton Palace Clash presented by Good Auto Diagnostics scheduled for this Friday and Saturday, May 3-4, at the Heart O’ Texas Speedway is canceled due to current and forecasted adverse weather conditions. The event will be rescheduled for later in the year. The Summit USMTS National Championship presented by RacinDirt will return to action Friday and Saturday, May 17-18 at

Featherlite Fall Jamboree remains unfinished business due to weather

Sanders steals USMTS win from Wolff


RacinDirt USMTS King of America XIII 4/6/24

RacinDirt USMTS King of America XIII 4/5/24